changeDetection | ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush |
selector | ccf-root-wc |
template |
Properties |
Inputs |
constructor(configStore: GlobalConfigState
Defined in src/app/app-web-component.component.ts:107
Parameters :
baseHref | |
Type : string
Defined in src/app/app-web-component.component.ts:88
dataSources | |
Type : string | string[]
Defined in src/app/app-web-component.component.ts:89
filter | |
Type : string | Partial<Filter>
Defined in src/app/app-web-component.component.ts:105
header | |
Type : string | boolean
Defined in src/app/app-web-component.component.ts:101
homeUrl | |
Type : string
Defined in src/app/app-web-component.component.ts:102
hubmapAssetUrl | |
Type : string
Defined in src/app/app-web-component.component.ts:94
hubmapDataService | |
Type : string
Defined in src/app/app-web-component.component.ts:92
hubmapDataUrl | |
Type : string
Defined in src/app/app-web-component.component.ts:93
hubmapPortalUrl | |
Type : string
Defined in src/app/app-web-component.component.ts:96
hubmapToken | |
Type : string
Defined in src/app/app-web-component.component.ts:95
loginDisabled | |
Type : boolean
Defined in src/app/app-web-component.component.ts:104
logoTooltip | |
Type : string
Defined in src/app/app-web-component.component.ts:103
remoteApiEndpoint | |
Type : string
Defined in src/app/app-web-component.component.ts:99
selectedOrgans | |
Type : string[]
Defined in src/app/app-web-component.component.ts:90
theme | |
Type : string
Defined in src/app/app-web-component.component.ts:100
useRemoteApi | |
Type : string | boolean
Defined in src/app/app-web-component.component.ts:98
initialized |
Type : boolean
Defined in src/app/app-web-component.component.ts:107
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { GlobalConfigState } from 'ccf-shared';
import { BUILTIN_PARSERS, BaseWebComponent, GenericGlobalConfig } from 'ccf-shared/web-components';
import { Filter } from 'ccf-database';
import { environment } from '../environments/environment';
function isNumber(value: unknown): value is number {
return typeof value === 'number';
function isNumberArray(value: unknown): value is number[] {
return Array.isArray(value) && value.every(isNumber);
function isString(value: unknown): value is string {
return typeof value === 'string';
function isStringArray(value: unknown): value is string[] {
return Array.isArray(value) && value.every(isString);
function checkOptionalProperty(
name: string,
obj: object,
prop: string,
validator: (value: unknown) => boolean, // returns boolean after being called. Logic is passed as an argument when 'checkProp()' is called.
): void {
/** first check if prop(property name) is present in the obj(value) and then apply the validator function whose
*logic is passed when the checkProp() is called.
if (prop in obj) {
//obj[prop] is value for eg. 'Male' in sex
if (!validator(obj[prop as never])) {
throw new Error(`Invalid property ${prop} in ${name}`);
function parseDataSources(value: unknown): string[] {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
const json = BUILTIN_PARSERS.json(value);
if (isStringArray(json)) {
return json;
} else if (isStringArray(value)) {
return value;
throw new Error('Invalid type for string array');
function parseFilter(value: unknown): string | Partial<Filter> {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
value = BUILTIN_PARSERS.json(value);
if (isString(value)) {
return value;
if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
const sexOptions = ['Both', 'Male', 'Female'];
// predefine name as 'filter' and obj as value. 'this' is set to undefined
const checkProp = checkOptionalProperty.bind(undefined, 'filter', value);
checkProp('sex', (val) => isString(val) && sexOptions.includes(val));
checkProp('ageRange', (val) => isNumberArray(val) && val.length === 2);
checkProp('bmiRange', (val) => isNumberArray(val) && val.length === 2);
checkProp('consortiums', isStringArray);
checkProp('tmc', isStringArray);
checkProp('technologies', (val) => isStringArray(val));
checkProp('ontologyTerms', (val) => isStringArray(val));
checkProp('cellTypeTerms', (val) => isStringArray(val));
checkProp('biomarkerTerms', (val) => isStringArray(val));
checkProp('spatialSearches', (val) => isStringArray(val));
return value as Filter;
throw new Error('Invalid filter');
selector: 'ccf-root-wc',
template: '<ccf-root *ngIf="initialized"></ccf-root>',
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class AppWebComponent extends BaseWebComponent {
@Input() baseHref!: string;
@Input() dataSources!: string | string[];
@Input() selectedOrgans!: string[];
@Input() hubmapDataService!: string;
@Input() hubmapDataUrl!: string;
@Input() hubmapAssetUrl!: string;
@Input() hubmapToken!: string;
@Input() hubmapPortalUrl!: string;
@Input() useRemoteApi!: string | boolean;
@Input() remoteApiEndpoint!: string;
@Input() theme!: string;
@Input() header!: string | boolean;
@Input() homeUrl!: string;
@Input() logoTooltip!: string;
@Input() loginDisabled!: boolean;
@Input() filter!: string | Partial<Filter>;
override initialized!: boolean;
constructor(configStore: GlobalConfigState<GenericGlobalConfig>, cdr: ChangeDetectorRef) {
super(configStore, cdr, {
initialDelay: 10,
initialConfig: {
...(globalThis['dbOptions' as never] as object),
parse: {
dataSources: parseDataSources,
useRemoteApi: BUILTIN_PARSERS.boolean,
header: BUILTIN_PARSERS.boolean,
loginDisabled: BUILTIN_PARSERS.boolean,
filter: parseFilter,